McRorie Parenting


Is Discipline a bad word to you?

It actually isn’t the same thing as punishment. Discipline means teaching or guidance. A commitment to avoid punishment doesn’t mean you can’t discipline (teach/guide) your children.

I teach parents effective and empathic skills to guide their children. Call it positive discipline, gentle guidance, conscious parenting, or whatever else, 60+ years of research points in the same direction: empathy, connection, modeling and communication. What’s good for kids’ general development is good for their moral and behavioral development.

Want to learn skills that will help you provide healthy boundaries and help your kids develop self-discipline while keeping your connection strong?

Here’s What My Clients Are Saying…

When I met with Tina she provided me great tips on how to thrive through the changes my children are going through as they approach adolescence. She combines intuition, common sense, and extensive training. Her insights are spot on. I loved our session and look forward to attending her upcoming workshops.

Cathy L